Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Writing about writing

(This is a somewhat unrelated post, as it's not really about the list, but kind of is, at the same time.)

For most, if not all, of my life, I've considered myself a writer. I've definitely always enjoyed writing, and it's certainly something I have a knack for, but for some reason, it wasn't until recently that I considered it a career choice.

For those who are unaware, I majored in Mass Communication at my undergrad, and I'm currently in what seems to be the endless maze that is grad is, attempting to survive and get my master's in public relations. Counting my academic years, I've been in the same "industry" for five years, yet I have trouble visualizing myself actually being a PR consultant or manager or what have you.

When people ask me, "So, Katy, what are you going to do after grad school?" I'm at a loss at what to tell them, because I honestly don't know. I can't even say for certain if there is a certain type of PR I want to do. I've found that this upsets even the most mild mannered of people. For some reason, I'm expected to just know.

"Well, what do you like to do?" They'll ask next.

"I like to write." I'll answer. Then these well-meaning people, I'm sure, will attempt to spout off a few things that kind of involve writing, but not really.

I jumped into my major feet first without really knowing what it was. From a distance, it seemed exciting, even a little glamorous. By the time I figured out it was mostly anything but either (most days), I was too deep in the pool to get out. (Or too lazy to change my major. Your pick.) Now, I'm stuck in it, at least for the time being, because I've segmented myself so much it will probably be impossible for me to get a job doing anything but PR. At least for a while.

This is probably why I've been such an avid blogging advocate for so long. Blogging is a release. I can write about anything I want in any way I want. I don't have to conform to templates and outlines and AP style. It's also why I'll never blog about my career. I can't think of anything interesting to say about it that hasn't already been said by someone more passionate about PR than I. I can, however, blog about me, my life, my experiences, and my thoughts on other matters. Like, for instance, becoming a "real" writer.

After years of education, I'm finally seeing myself as someone who could, one day, be a writer. That's why #8, write a children's book, is on the list. Of all the things I want to write, children's books are number one on the list (tied with short stories. I love writing short stories). I've always felt I would be a good kid's book author. I love kids, enjoy YA literature, and I think characters would be so more fun to explore.

The other day I started research on my book (yes, it needs some research). I began developing my main character, and I must say, I'm in love with the little bugger. He's (it's a he) a mix of both my nephews, a touch of what I think John was like as a child, with a little nonsense thrown in for taste. I can't wait to see what adventures we go on together. Hopefully he'll make a "real" writer out of me :).

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